Themes you’d like addressed at a virtual event celebrating International Women’s Day 2021

Wordcloud International Women's Day themes

Here’s what you told me…

Many thanks for the 68 suggestions received for themes for an International Women’s Day event #CHOOSETOCHALLENGE.  They’re displayed in the word cloud picture. While leadership was the standout request, the diversity of responses has given me plenty of food for thought.   Two things struck me.  Firstly, these themes are not simply “women’s issues”.  Secondly, climate change is clearly on your minds.

Feeling valued, securing my financial future and ageism.  Finding role models, balancing work and family (in all its forms) and being heard.  Wanting to be happy and dealing with office politics – the spectrum of themes reflects the society in which we live.  You’ve given me plenty of options to consider.

I also conducted in-depth interviews on the topic of Women in Leadership, and will share some of the insights over the next few weeks.

For whoever suggested Maya Angelou Quotes – let’s go one better.  Start your week with 2 minutes of this wise and wonderful woman reciting “And Still I Rise”. It makes a pretty good theme itself.

11th January 2021

Click here for Women in Leadership Insights Part 1

#leadership #womeninleadership # cultivateher

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