The question: “WHAT IMPACT DOES BEING A FEMALE-ONLY PROGRAMME HAVE?” Here’s what they said.
ANTI: It indicates a limited mindset. Danger of reinforcing segregation. Why no men? It would turn me off. I see it as divisive. It gives men ammunition, “Playing the woman card”. I’m not a huge fan, the workplace has men and women. Why would you want to? Don’t pigeonhole me. Can engender resentment and jealousy. Issues should be addressed by men too! I want balance. I want a leadership programme, not “Women in Leadership”.
PRO: Its liberating. They understand imposter syndrome. There’s a different level of openness. I like the company, the feeling that “it’s not just me”.
CONFLICTED: It’s likely to be more honest and open, BUT female-only is considered personal, not professional development. Isn’t there a movement away from female-only anything? On the other hand, its more inclusive and trusting. I would have said no in the past, but think there’s a need. It’s not for me, but could be for others.
Fear not gentlemen, ladies aren’t clamouring to exclude you. My experience facilitating programmes is that women contribute more actively in a female-only group. Remember: women only ≠ down with men!
#cultivateher #leadership
Next Blog: Age Matters
28th January 2021